In momentous news, line one of the Panama Metro will be opening next month, and represents an investment of over two billion dollars. Buildings within walking distance to metro stops have seen strong demand from commercial tenants, so look for property values to increase as activity picks up after being dormant in the construction zones for over two years.
Line two and three represent an additional four billion dollar investment and will radically change the scope of commuting life for many of Panama’s suburban population. This will, in all likelihood, spark small boom towns both along the route and within a short driving distance from the new stations.
The third line of the metro will open up areas west of Chorrera such as Capira and Chame, making a commute feasible from further and further outside of Panama City. It’s a trend that’s happened all over the world: cities expand based on increased access and Panama is no exception. At Panama Equity, we’re watching closely areas like Capira (site of a new logistics hub), as well as small towns as far west as Bejuco to become the new “commuter towns” once line three is ready.