Do NOT Buy Real Estate In Panama Without Reading This Report First!

Do NOT Buy Real Estate In Panama Without Reading This Report First!

Blood on the streets exposed

What To Expect

red lie

The Lies In Panama Real Estate

The market is full of misinformation that I have witnessed first hand. Follow my tips on what to watch out for.

The Ugly Side Of Panama Real Estate

Money laundering, hard partying, and profiteering world of realtors in Panama. Like any place in the world, if you dig hard enough you'll find an ugly side.

How to Navigate the Sharks

Expect an onslaught of over zealous promotion from the moment you land at the airport. Let me help identify the sharks for you and how to navigate them.

Be Contractually Aware... It could save you a lot of $

There are many tricks, the likes of developers will use to squeeze every last penny out of you. I'll show you how to navigate the most common contract debacles.