A great park has the ability to strengthen an entire neighborhood. It offers something for the entire community, whether you’re a senior citizen, child, or a hard-working parent. Heck, even if you’re a dog! It should offer places to relax and also celebrate. And a place to exercise and make connections. Fortunately for residents of El Cangrejo, there’s a park that checks all the boxes.
In the centre of the neighborhood is Andrés Bello Park, tying together the entire community. Andrés Bello Park is located on Vía Argentina in El Cangrejo. The park manages to fit a basketball court, miniature soccer field, dog park, halfpipe (for skateboarding), and many places to sit. Yet, that’s only one half of the park. The other side features multiple playgrounds, an outdoor gym, a snack bar (though currently under renovation), and a beautiful fountain. Residents rave about the cleanliness and security as well.
The park has plenty of space yet maintains a neighborhood size and feel. Panamanians, expats, and foreigners gather for all kinds of activities here. There’s a basketball league on weekdays. Soccer practice for soccer leagues. Plus, a pretty impressive outdoor gym. It’s quite easy to feel connected to the community while enjoying your own area of the park.
Parque Andres Bello also plays host to neighborhood events. For instance, just a month ago the park hosted a small concert by the National Symphony Orchestra. During Christmas time, these events are common along with incredible light decorations. Some even believe it’s the best Christmas light location in the entire city. It’s definitely worth a visit in December.
The park amenities are spectacular but the smaller details should not be overlooked. For example, the recycling program. At the entrance of the park sits a large recycling bin. The bin is separated by paper, plastic, cardboard, and aluminium. Residents and nearby restaurants can bring their items to be properly recycled. At the very least, the awareness of recycling is a positive reminder for the community. Also within the winding pathways are sinks for washing your hands. An added element of protection and awareness towards the lingering covid-19 virus.
But the details don’t stop there. The design of Andres Bello in particular is beautiful. The walking paths wind around the amenities and sink into raised green areas. Some of those green areas feature benches and are perfect places to relax. Among those areas are trees for a bit of shade and plants for aesthetics. It’s an elegant feel overall.
A park like this is the perfect compliment to the lively neighborhood of El Cangrejo. There are a few other parks nearby, such as Benito Juárez to the north and the massive Metropolitan Natural Park to the east. Both, however, are a bit outside of the neighborhood borders. Therefore and by default, Andrés Bello is securely the best park in El Cangrejo! It allows residents to relax, exercise, and connect with their community. A nice benefit for those that live or are seeking to live in El Cangrejo. As always, feel free to ask any questions in the comments below and all the best from Panama!