A Pedasí community Covid-19 update from the Panama Equity Pedasí office.
First things first, we are well and we sincerely hope that you and your loved ones are too, wherever you may find yourselves.
As many of you know, Panamá has enforced a national quarantine since mid-March that only allows us out of our homes for a few hours each week to buy food and medicine. Tocumen International Airport has suspended all flights except those necessary for humanitarian or supply chain purposes. The airport does, however, plan to resume general operation later this month.
Travel between provinces and towns is limited and most businesses are closed except for essential industries like healthcare, food service, and agriculture.
Despite occasional protests to the quarantine, we are all hunkering down and doing everything that we can to slow the spread of Covid-19. And to date, Pedasí has not reported a single case of coronavirus infection.
The consequences caused by the pandemic are without precedent in our lifetimes, but they also serve to remind us of the importance of our community support networks.
Across the globe, people are organizing to help vulnerable groups confront the new and unfamiliar challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic. And as you would expect, that altruistic spirit is also flourishing right here in Pedasí.
Over the past several weeks, local municipal authorities led by our Mayor Miguel Batista have been partnering with a growing army of volunteers to help spread that beautiful “Pedasí Love” the area is so well known for.
Groups such as “Pedasí Humanitario” (Pedasí Humanitarian), “Pesca’o p’al Pueblo” (Fish for the People), “Leche Fresca” (Fresh Milk), “Pedasí Voluntario” (Pedasí Volunteer), and “Manos de Ayuda” (Helping Hands) are helping to fill critical gaps in areas such as food security, emergency response, transportation, health and wellness, and public safety.
We are inspired by and grateful to all of you who continue to contribute your time, energy, and precious resources to these ongoing efforts. Even if that just means obeying the quarantine orders and practicing proper social distancing, you are vital and you are awesome!
We are proud to help our beloved Pedasí and we encourage you to do the same in your community. If you would like to help or know someone who needs help in Pedasí, please get in contact with our team.
We will get through this together. Thank you, and be well.
Pedasí Volunteer Organisation List
Pedasí Humanitario:
Delivers food and other essentials to underprivileged families and individuals. Donate directly on the website or call Victor Solis at +507 6375 4242 for more details. English is spoken.
Manos de Ayuda
Provides meals to the tireless volunteer staff working 24/7 the safety and sanitary checkpoints at the entrance of the town and other key spots. These volunteers are a critical part of the front line effort to prevent the spread of the virus in our community: Contact Maria Batista +507 6882-2105.
Pedasí Voluntario
Volunteers run errands for folks who are bedridden, lack mobility or are otherwise unable to leave their homes. These volunteers are a bit like guardian angels for those who may lack the ability to properly care for themselves. Vice-Mayor Ronald Jimenez +507-6641-9488
Pesca’o p’al Pueblo
Local fishermen head to sea every Saturday before the sun comes up to donate and deliver their catch fresh to families in need. This effort is critical to providing families with food security during this period of economic hardship. If you want to participate call Tedd Tennis at +507-6677-8299. Space and boats are limited. English is spoken.
on said
So super that the whole community can come together to help. Love this.