Explora nuestros anuncios de bienes raíces en Contadora y ponte en contacto con nosotros si tienes cualquier pregunta. Isla Contadora Panamá tiene una larga historia de piratas, expediciones de pesca y playas de arena blanca. El mercado de bienes raíces de Contadora siempre ha estado compuesto por las familias ricas de Panamá y en los últimos 20 años ha incluido a algunos residentes muy destacados como el Shah de Irán, Ricky Martin y algunas otras celebridades que han comprado casas en Contadora.
The landscape of Contadora Island changes with the seasons. During Panama’s summer months, the temperature is consistently 2-3 degrees cooler than mainland Panama, mainly because Contadora’s coasts get more winds and are surrounded by cooler, deeper water.
The topography of Contadora Island is varied, with its highest point being just under 500 meters tall. The winter months are known as the best fishing months in the waters near Contadora Island, although the fishing is world class virtually year round.
Life on Contadora Island Panama is the definition of beach living: slow lazy mornings followed by warm afternoons and breathtaking sunsets. On a clear day, one can even see the mainland of Panama in the far distance, providing quite the contrast! There are paved roads throughout the island, above ground power lines, a regulated water system, as well as a fully functioning airport.
Contadora Island in recent years has become a frequently visited destination by travelers and Panamanian residents alike. There are several hotels on Contadora Island, as well as a handful of restaurants, shops, and small convenience stores. Most full time residents of Contadora make the 1.5 hour ferry trip to Panama City once a week to load up on specialty groceries and other items that cant be found in the island.
Contadora Island real estate is quite diverse and ranges from beachfront lots for sale, single family homes, and apartment options. There are also a number of neighboring islands in the Pearl Island Archipleago, near Contadora Island, that feature high-end residential developments and marinas, including this Pearl Island Panama project.
The name Contadora, which literally translates as “accountant” in Panama, became associated with the island because Contadora was the original location where the pearls (harvested in the Pearl Islands) were counted. To get there, the Contadora Island ferry leaves from the Amador Causeway, behind the biodiversity museum once a day and twice on Saturday. A round trip ticket to and from Contadora will run roughly $80.00 per person.